Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's been a few weeks... but I had a VISION!

Ok I'm not going to lie, I started this blog with no clue what it would be about. So for the past few weeks I have had the following ideas:
get healthy 2012 blog
daily craft projects
p90x blog journal
gardening with children
get healthy 2012 blog
daily photo blog
and then it came to me courteous of this smart lady from The Birthday Project!
 it will be a random acts of kindness blog... my quest to help bring little smiles to those in my community and beyond.

stay tuned to see what happens! 


  1. Great idea Mary!! I also started a blog a few weeks ago, with the same background as yours!! I hope your blogging goes better than mine, so far I've written one post, LOL. This darn baby keeps me too busy. :) Looking forward to seeing how yours shapes up... xo, carrie
